Artemis Journal News


July 11, 2023 | 5:30 pm

Reception to Follow | $20 Donation

Join Frederick Douglass (Nathan M. Richardson) for a conversation about the meaning of American Democracy in the words of the former slave-turned-writer, orator, and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Learn how his relationships with William Lloyd Garrison, Susan B Anthony, Harriet Tubman, and Presidents Lincoln, Johnson, Garfield, and Grant significantly influenced the suffrage movement, the antebellum, the civil war, and early Reconstruction. Hear Mr. Douglass explain his evolving views on the U S Constitution and American Democracy. Bring your own questions.

Nathan M. Richardson is a published author, performance poet, and Frederick Douglass Historian. His poetry collections include Likeness of Being, Twenty-one Imaginary T-shirts, and The 7 Last Poems of an Unarmed Citizen. Books featuring Nathan’s success story include; You Can Do That; (Amazing People with Amazing Jobs) By Michael Messick & (You Don’t Want Success Demolishing Fears And Excuses) by Miko Marsh. Nathan teaches a variety of workshops for emerging writers and spoken word artists.

Mr. Richardson is now in his 9th year of The Frederick Douglass Speaking Tour – a living history performance that captures completely the physical, spiritual, and intellectual essence of the former slave, writer, orator, and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. The Frederick Douglass Speaking Tour has been seen live nationally and internationally and has film credits with the National Park Service and Alabama Public Television. Nathan’s recent rendition of the speech “Frederick Douglass Honors the Unknown Loyal Dead” was Nominated for Best Short Film at the 2022 I Will Tell Film International Festival.” You can learn more about Nathan Richardson and his work at

Latest Podcast With Artist, Susan Saandholland

The arc of Susan’s career is amazing. Besides her commitment to Photography, It includes a six-year term as President of the American Kidney Fund. She has been represented in three galleries and continues her desire to be of creative service to artists, dancers, and musicians. Her video skills helped numerous artists worldwide to have virtual shows during Covid isolation. Artemis Journal is pleased to publish her latest work, “Wilderness” in the 2023 Journal.

Join Jeri Rogers, Editor of Artemis Journal as she interviews Artist Susan Saandholland

Here is a peek at the latest layout for Artemis 2023 featuring Susan’s work, “Wilderness”

go to our Podcast icon on this website


Great news! Back when we launched our very first Artemis Journal in 1977, Dorothy Gillespie donated a pastel for our cover. Lyn Yeatts and I then approached Roanoke Business leaders and the Roanoke Arts Council about creating a downtown mural in Roanoke. The wind caught the sails of our idea and the mural became Roanoke’s very first one in the city. Our legacy lives and Artemis Journal continues to create and support the arts. We are now in the final layout for our Artemis Journal 2023 which promises to be one of our very best, with 96 poets and 50 artists from our region, the Blue Ridge Mountains, and beyond. The official launch will be on September 1st at the Roanoke Taubman Museum of Art.

Jeri Rogers, Editor, and Founder Artemis Journal

Gillespie Mural dedication, Doug Jackson, Roanoke Arts Commission Director, Pedro Salzay, Director of Southwest Virginia Ballet, William Penn, Chairman of RAC, Susan Jennings, Former Director of RAC, Katherine Devine, Artist, Jeri Rogers, Editor Artemis Journal

Roanoke, Va.- (April 24, 2023) – This week, fresh coats of paint are being applied to
“Accentuated Forms in Space,” the well-loved but much-faded work of public art on the side wall of downtown Roanoke’s 312 2nd Street, SW.
Painted in 1979 from a 1975 design done in pastel by renowned artist Dorothy Gillespie, the work has been called “fluid and playful.” The late Cabell Brand, President of Total Action for Progress (TAP), stated about the design, “Its colors harmonize just like people in a community should harmonize. It shows what beauty can be when everyone works together.” The mural was the result of a collaboration between the artist and the region’s arts community to celebrate the Artemis Festival of Women in the Arts. Partners included Artemis Journal- which featured the work on its first cover–philanthropists Warner and Carol Dalhouse, and Ann Lee, who then owned the property.

For more than two decades, area residents and art lovers have called for a revival of the work, something that just recently became possible. “We were able to bring together good partners eager to make this work,” says Roanoke Arts Commission Chair Meighan Sharp. “Sometimes it just takes time for the stars — like Gillespie’s “Accentuated Forms in Space”— to align, and this year it came together quickly.”

2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the Roanoke Arts Commission, and the volunteer, 15-member body appointed by City Council voted in March to undertake the project in celebration of ‘forty years of progress, fun, and art.’ Sharp continues, “In many ways, you can see Dorothy Gillespie’s gift to the city in the late Seventies as seeding the strong public and community art program we have today, and appropriately in the Year of the Artist, we’re celebrating this Roanoke daughter and art legend.”

2020 was the centennial of the artist’s birth in Roanoke, and her son, Gary Israel, through the Dorothy M. Gillespie Foundation, has worked in communities across the county to showcase the joyful painting, sculpture, and activism to which the artist dedicated her life. 

“This mural is significant,” says Israel. “It is one of only two murals of my mother’s work produced in her lifetime, and it’s the only one that remains. It’s wonderful that it’s here in the community so beloved to her.”

The City of Roanoke has piloted a public-private partnership strategy that allows public funds to support public-facing art on private property. “It’s been allowed by our public art policies and plan for a while now,” says Sharp, “but until we developed the “Art in Place” program, we didn’t have the tools to encourage and shape these projects.” 

For the refurbishment of the mural, committed partners have collaborated and contributed financial resources. Those include Downtown Roanoke, Inc. (DRI), property owner Quintessence Properties, led by Peter “Reyn” Holden, and the Dorothy M. Gillespie Foundation.  

Artemis Journal 1977 cover by Dorothy Gillespie

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Hello 2023

We are off to a busy start, all submissions are now in and our Editors are making selections for the next journal. Thank you to all who have made submissions and to our supporters. The Artemis 2023 will be released next summer with an official launch at the Roanoke Taubman Museum of Art in the Fall. Stay tuned for details.

In the meantime, our Podcast, Artemis Speaks is now in the 3rd season with 40 interviews of artists and writers from our library. A big thanks to my co-producer, Skip Brown of Final Track Studio, who makes the magic happen.

Skip Brown, Producer recording Jordan Harmen singing our Posdcast theme song “Slow Down”

2023 Podcast Interviews

Susan Hankla, Poet

Susan Hankla Poet has s long history with Artemis. Back in 1977, as a young writer, Susan’s poetry appeared in the very first edition of Artemis Journal. VA. For many years she worked as a traveling poet-in-the-schools working with underserved communities in Virginia, through generous grants from The Virginia Commission on the Arts. This made her love of teaching creative writing grow into reaching out to the Richmond community offering adult writing classes at the VMFA Studio School, The Visual Arts Center, & The University of Richmond. Her debut collection of poems, Clinch River, was released in 2017 and her second poetry book was just released, titled I’m not Evelyn published by Groundhog Press.

Nikki Giovanni, Poet

From Harlem rooftops to the drumbeats of the Congo, the poems in “The Women and the Men display in full measure the gifts that have made Nikki Giovanni one of the most important, appealing, and broad-reaching American poets: her warmth, her conciseness, her passion, and her wit.
As a witness to four generations, Nikki Giovanni has perceptively and poetically recorded her observations of both the outside world and the gentle yet enigmatic territory of the self. When her poems first emerged from the Black Rights Movement in the late 1960s, she immediately became a celebrated and controversial poet of the era. Written in one of the most commanding voices to grace America’s political and poetic landscape at the end of the twentieth century, Nikki Giovanni’s poems embody the fearless passion and spirited wit for which she is beloved and revered.

1977 Artemis Journal cover image, Passages V by Sam Krisch

Go to our Podcast section to hear Artemis Speaks interviews

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Goodbye 2022

As we close this year, we want to thank all that support our mission, The Roanoke Arts Commission, The Taubman Museum of Art, Final Track Studios, our artists and writers, and readers. We have had a successful year, publishing our latest journal, Artemis 2022, virtually traveling around the Moon with Artemis 1 Lunar Craft, and finishing our 3rd season of Artemis Speaks Podcast.

Keep your seat belts on for a great ride! As a non-profit, we have survived 45 years and looking forward to another successful year.

Jeri Rogers, Editor & Founder

Editorial Staff;
Julia Fallon, Associate Editor
Page Turner, Art Editor
Zephren Turner, Layout Editor
Donnie Secreast, Poetry Editor
Adam Gnuse, Poetry Editor
Nikki Giovanni, Distinguished Poet
Virginia Fowler, Critic Editor
Jonathan Rogers, Legal Advisor
Skip Brown, Audio Editor

New Podcast to end our year featuring Betty Branch, Sculptor

Betty Branch is an artist who is constantly reinventing herself. Her media is diverse; She sculpts in wax, clay, fiber, straw, and stone. Throughout her career in intensive production, she has culled visual references from ancient matriarchal civilizations to current cultural events, from Greece to the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Her work is defined by lifelong tenets: the body, rites of passage, the intersection between land and form, and the myth and form of crow and raven.

Branch’s award-winning art has been widely exhibited in the US and abroad, with works from small to monumental in private, corporate, university, and museum collections. She maintains a studio and gallery in Roanoke, VA.

Artemis Speaks Podcast

Starroot grew up in Southern Germany and started to create art at an early age, inspired by nature and her unlimited fantasy. She explored and practiced conscious dreaming in her early childhood. She is an entirely self-taught artist. When she was 30 years old, she had a life-changing Out of Body experience in a car accident. Starroot opened more and more for visions coming to her. In 1986 she moved with her two children to Tennessee and then to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

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Artemis Journal Launch

News of Artemis Journal Launch of 2023 Journal

Regional culture kicked into a big gear on Friday at the Taubman Museum of Art. Our September launch featured our guest speaker, acclaimed poet, Nikki Giovanni. Our sold out crowd cheered our program which also had Southwest Virginia ballet Companie’s student dancer, alexis Potter performing along with Nikki giovanni’s reading of her poem, “Fall in Love, (for Artemis). Jordan Harmon, musican perfored music for the event.

The museum played host to two events in one. Roanoke’s annual Artemis Journal, devoted to Southwest Virginia artists and writers, had its launch party. “For the Love of a Book” is the theme for the 45-year-old publication’s latest iteration. The journal, developed from writing workshops for domestic violence victims in the region, this year features works that Nikki Giovanni inspired with her poem, “Fall in Love (For Artemis).”

The publication also features former U.S. Poet laureate Natasha Trethewey; Virginia poet laureates Ron Smith and Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda; and Virginia Poet Laureate Luisa Igloria. Artists and writers from Floyd County — Colleen Redman, Katherine Chantal, Starroot and Lisal Kayati — are in the pages, along with more creators from around the world, according to information that Artemis editor Jeri Rogers provided.

Donnie Secreast, Literary Editor, Poet Nikki Giovanni, Adam Gnuse
Zephren Turner, Page Turner, Art/Layout Editors, Donnie Secreast, Adam Gnuse, Literary Editors, Jeri Rogers, Editor, Julia fallon, Associate Editor, Steven Kenny, Cover Artist
Artemis Journal 2022, Cover, The Flock, by Steven Kenny
Taubman Museum of Art
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Late Nights: Artemis Poetry Journal Launch

Friday, September 2, 2022

5-7:30 pm

Taubman Museum of Art

110 Salem Avenue SE
Roanoke, VA 24011

Join us for a night of art and poetry as Artemis Journal launches its 2022 edition!

Featuring readings from acclaimed poet Nikki Giovanni, original performances from Southwest Virginia Ballet, and artwork from painter Steven Kenny (whose work graces this year’s cover), the evening promises to be filled with lively conversation and engaging entertainment!

5-6 pm: Catch up with friends and meet new ones while enjoying a cash bar, light refreshments, and open galleries
6-7:30 pm: Artemis Journal poetry readings and discussion featuring Jeri Rogers, Nikki Giovanni, and others; Southwest Virginia Ballet will perform during the readings
7:30-9 pm: Open galleries, cash bar, and light refreshments continue

Advance registration is encouraged to reserve your seat!

Fee: $25 general public | $20 members

Fundraiser for Artemis & Taubman Museum

Register Now

Cover image by Steven Kenny “The Flock”

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New Podcasts featuring writers, Giovanni, Goette, Zanelli

Join host Jeri Rogers as she speaks to Nikki Giovanni about jazz, Jane Goette about her newly published novel, & Italian Poet, Alessio Zanelli

The renowned poet, Nikki Giovanni has a new album  “The Gospel According To Nikki Giovanni.”

In addition to publishing dozens of poetry works, Nikki Giovanni has recorded several spoken word albums over the course of 50 years. But this time, she’s doing something a little different.

The new album,  a collaboration with saxophonist Javon Jackson, is a collection of gospel hymns and spirituals set to jazz. Growing up in the Baptist church, Giovanni says gospel music was instrumental to understanding herself as a poet.

“The spirituals had a message,” she says. “They weren’t just some people woke up one morning or came from working in the evening and said, ‘Oh, let’s sit down and sing.’ They were sharing information with each other.”

” The truth exists in the world and it is the job of the poet to pull the truth out of violentical air and place it with care upon the page to be casted from the mouth to the hearts of the people.”  
– Camae Ayewa (Moor Mother, Irreversible Entanglements)

Nikki with Jovan recording at Final Track Studios with co-producer, Skip Brown

Jane Goette’s novel, A River Road Memoir is a journey through a young girl’s idyllic childhood in the rural South to her restless adolescence when the Civil Rights struggle becomes urgent and personal to her family. The unfolding story is told through the second daughter’s eyes. Jane is a serious child, the one her father calls, “a tree full of owls,” always thinking, observing, and wondering about meanings. Unresolved conflicts continue around the family table as the Civil Rights movement evolves, the Vietnam War begins, and chemical plants spring-like poison mushrooms along the river. Set in the 1950s and 1960s, the conflicts reflected in this book are hauntingly familiar to readers today as Americans continue to battle over the nation’s identity and values.

Alessio Zanelli is an Italian poet who writes in English, a language he has learned completely as an autodidact. His work has appeared in some 200 literary journals from 17 countries including, in the USA: Artemis, California Quarterly, Concho River Review, Italian Americana, The Lyric, North Dakota Quarterly, Philosophy And Literature, Potomac Review, Worcester Review, and World Literature Today, among about a hundred more. His fifth original collection, titled The Secret Of Archery, was published in 2019 by Greenwich Exchange (London). For more information please visit

To listen to the podcast, go to our podcast section

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Artemis 2021 cover artist

Artemis 21 will be released in June. This year’s journal publishes fledgling writers and artists alongside prominent writers such as Nikki Giovanni, Virginia Poet Laureates, Luisa Igloria, Ron smith, Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, U.S. Poet Laureates, Rita Dove, Natasha Trethewey, as well as prominent artists such as Donna Polseno, Betty Branch, Bill White, and Linda Atkinson.

Acclaimed ceramic sculptress, Donna Polseno will grace our cover

*Donna Polseno

Donna Polseno is a sculptor and potter living in the mountains of southwest Virginia. Donna will be featured on our next 2021 Artemis cover to be released in June.

Artemis Journal 2021

She graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and has been honored with 2 NEA Artist Fellowships and a Virginia Museum Artists Grant. Donna has shown her work in major exhibitions in museums and galleries, nationally and internationally. Her work has been published in many books and magazines.

Donna has taught seminars at many schools including Penland School, Haystack Mountain School, Anderson Ranch, Jingdezhen University in China, La Meridiana School of Ceramics in Italy. She lives and works part-time in a small village in Italy. She was a ceramics instructor at Hollins University for 15 years, where she created and still directs the “Women Working With Clay” Symposium.

Jeri Rogers interviews Donna on the latest Artemis Podcast Speaks

go to our Podcast link on this website

*Photo by Jeri Rogers

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April is National Poetry Month

 April showers bring May Flowers

Artemis Celebrates on Instagram

Attention all poets

Send us your videos reading poems
to be posted on Instagram

Helpful hints;

— Please keep your reading to only 2-3 minutes each   — No welcome or intro is needed before your piece, but please leave at least 3 seconds of blank space at the beginning and end of your recording and start your recording by saying the name of the piece you’re reading and your name.   — Camera Shot/Framing: This should just be a nice casual shot at home. Please avoid blank wall backgrounds – show us something dynamic! If you’re doing IGTV clips, the shot should be in portrait mode (vertical) and fairly straight on with no extreme angles.   — “Does this need to be memorized? Should I deliver it straight to the camera?” The answer is, truly, whatever you’re more comfortable with! Facing towards the camera is preferred, but there’s no need to memorize it – you can just read it in whatever way you think looks and feels best. That said, if you want to memorize it, go for it!   — When you’ve finished, please send your video as a Dropbox or Google Drive link to;  

OTHER HELPFUL VIDEO HINTS Some of you have lots of experience doing this, but others may appreciate a little direction, so take what’s useful… — Before filming, do a test shot to listen to your audio, check the framing of your shot, and lighting for your video. — Audio: Please turn off loud fans or A/C to minimize white noise. AirPods and Bluetooth Headphones cannot be used to record audio with Apple’s native camera app. That’s okay! Just make sure you’re in a quiet space when recording your video. — Lighting: Full direct sun is not your friend! Natural indirect or filtered light is usually best. If you want to get fancy, turn on a lamp or fancy sconce in the background! — Camera: For better quality, use your rear-facing camera (on the back) to record yourself. It’s best if you or someone else can check the framing when using the rear camera. You can do a test shot to see what the lighting, framing, and audio look/sound like. Please use 1x zoom (as opposed to the wide .5x or telephoto 2x). — Best Camera Settings: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Camera > Record Video and select 1080p at 30 fps. This is the default on most phones.

April’s Instagram Event!

Justin Scribner

Stay tuned for writer, Justin Scribner, who will kick-off our weekly posts featuring videos, and audios from poets reading poems.

Justin made his breakout debut after the quarantine last year by publishing his first book of poetry, every grain of sand.  “A few weeks into the Covid crisis, I had a major realization. Without any upcoming jobs whatsoever, I might finally have time to publish the poems and stories that had been hiding in my proverbial (and literal) closet.”

Co-hosted by Associate Editors, Crystal Founds and Donnie Secreast

Jeri Rogers, Editor

Happy to help

Artemis Journal has inspired creativity and fellowship for people of all backgrounds in the region for over 40 years. The Journal serves thousands of people in Virginia’s Blue Ridge and across the globe with its features of up-and-coming artists and writers as well as award-winning artists. Since it originated in 1977, Artemis Journal has been an advocate for social justice and highlights all deserving artists and writers.

10% of sales are donated to a Women’s Shelter in SW Virginia

Artemis Journal is grateful for the continued support of our friends, The Roanoke Arts Commission and The Roanoke Taubman Museum of Art

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Nikki Giovanni to join Artemis Editorial Board as our Honored Board Poet

Artemis is pleased to have acclaimed poet, Nikki Giovanni to join our publication. She has been awarded an unprecedented 7 NAACP Image Awards, nominated for a Grammy; has been a finalist for the National Book Award, authored 3 New York Times and Los Angeles Times Best Sellers, which is highly unusual for a poet. She is Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech.

Artemis has had a long journey with Nikki. She has been our featured guest poet for our journals in 2014 and 2017. In 2017 we dedicated our journal to her as someone who has served as a beacon to those of us who believe in the power of art. From the 1980’s until today, she has given generously of her time and talent to nurture and support the work of artists and writers in her adopted home here in Southwest Virginia. We welcome her as our Honored Board Poet.

Now into our 2nd season, Artemis is pleased to continue the podcast series which was borne out of the pandemic last year. Twice a month, Jeri Rogers, Editor Artemis, invites you into a conversation introducing an interesting array of guests, from Poet Laureates to Ceramic Potters, all who have been published in Artemis Journal.

All Artemis Speaks podcasts are archived on this website under the heading of Podcast

Podcast Archives

  • Nikki Giovanni, Poet
  • Jeanne Larsen, Author
  • Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Virginia Poet Laureate
  • Ron Smith, Virginia Poet Laureate
  • Dorothy Gillespie, Remembering by Gary Isreal
  • Page & Zephren Turner, Artists
  • Luisa Igloria, Virginia Poet Laureate
  • Silvie Granatelli, Ceramic Potter
  • Louis Gallo, Poet
  • Frances Barnhart, Remembering
  • Ayn Cates Sullivan, Mystic Author
  • Robert Bersson & Jack Greer
  • Dr. Molly O’Dell, Physician turned poet
  • Justin Scribner & Diane Scribner, Mother & Son writers
  • Jordan Harman, Musician
  • Nikki Giovanni, Poet

Also available wherever you get your podcasts, including:

To listen and subscribe to the podcast, follow these instructions:

On your iPhone, computer or iPadOpen your podcast app. It’s a preloaded app called “Podcasts” with a purple icon.

Search for the series Artemis Speaks – by tapping on the “search” magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen, type in “Artemis Speaks” and select it from the list of results. Once subcribed you will automatically receive the latest episodes.

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